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health mate

Take control
Tell BYON8 how you feel and answer questions similar to what a doctor would ask you.
Wherever, whenever - Instant healthcare without queues.
BYON8 will compare your symptoms with thousands of similar clinically confirmed cases to help you find possible explanations and causes for your symptoms.
A customized health recommendation will be provided to further guide you.

Consult with a doctor
Consult with a professional
Access licensed MDs in your country*, 24 hours a day, via video or text, within 5-10 minutes at the touch of a button.
GPs, specialists from 20 different specialties and psychologists.

Dr. Nyongesa
How can I help you today?

a dry cough
and fever.
What could it be?


Consult regarding anything health-related or confirm the results from your symptom checkup to receive:
A diagnosis online
Prescriptions online (pickup or home-delivery)
Referrals to physical examinations, labs, x-rays, and diagnostics - only when needed.
And much more that you can read about in our FAQ
*Consultations are currently only available in Kenya.
Lifestyle & Wellness
Screen, Track, Live!
Track your steps, exercise and lifestyle fully integrated with your favourite fitness apps.
Manage your diet.
Go full circle by screening your body with lab tests analyzed by AI and your very own personal doctor to get a full overview of your health and prevent diseases!



One app, limitless possibilities
Medical history
Serving all your health care needs and then some!
Read the latest health news
in our editorial.
Read valuable articles written by doctors to stay healthy and prevent diseases.

Read and learn about different diseases and symptoms in our medical library.
Search for diagnosis...

Your checkups will be stored in your very own digital journal.
Upload your previous medical history and store all your data in one place.

Care is all we need and BYON8 cares about you.
Sick or healthy, BYON8 will personalize your experience, and serve your healthcare needs, Online -> Physical, 365 days a year, 24/7.

Access all of the above, online and physical healthcare services in one affordable subscription.
No limits
No queuing
What are you waiting for?

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