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for you
Join the network
Become a certified BYON8 PRO user and join a network of quality healthcare professionals with the highest of standards, Sign up, and start using our interactive platform.

Customer acquisition
Gain access to the BYON8 app vast user base. Healthcare institutions and professionals that subscribe to BYON8 PRO access >20,000 patients in our mobile app. Users will automatically be connected to BYON8 PRO when they need to see a health professional.
Time is care
Save up to 3 hours/day per healthcare professional. Spend quality time with patients, gain an improved reputation, retain satisfied patients and attract more patients to you.
How it works

Users (your potential patients)
Users that have downloaded the app can perform symptom checkups and access online doctors (you) through the BYON8 app.
Users that purchase an online consultations are immediately connected with doctors who are signed up in the BYON8 Pro service.

All doctors that use the service recieve a request/notification on their smartphone. The first doctor to answer the request is connected with the user.
Interact with the patient via text chat or video!

Diagnose, prescribe, refer
Healthcare providers can determine the diagnose online and prescribe medications with e-prescriptions. In cases where the patient needs further investigation, the provider can refer them to partnering healthcare facilities (labs, x-ray and so on).
Summary and medical history
BYON8 Pro users are assisted by the medical engine that provides possible diagnoses based on the patients symptoms to increase diagnostic accuracy. All patient data is stored in one place and can be accessed the next time the healthcare provider interacts with the patient.

All healthcare providers earns a share of the accumulated revenue from the patient!

1. Medical license
All BYON8 Pro users must be licensed M.Ds by the KMPDC or have a clinic/practice registered in Kenya.

2. 24/7 access
All BYON8 Pro users must have access to a smartphone/computer and Internet 24/7.

3. Online course
All BYON8 Pro users must complete our BYON8 PRO crash course (takes approx. 1 hour).
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