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All-in-one medical package
For you and your family
Go Beyond The limits of traditional healthcare
BYON8 Medical Package
Monthly fee - Unlimited
No annual fees.
No limits.
Sign up to get a full outpatient medical package for a monthly fee!

Social security nr.:

Membership nr: 09766DGH18SDH
Expiry date: 28/12/2022
Joanna Doe
Online - no more cards
You will never need a card again!
The medical package is stored and saved online. You can use it online and at any referral facility to access medical services.
Enjoy all BYON8 services
- Specialists and GP's available online, 24/7
- Prescriptions and medication
- Medical investigation (Labs, x-ray, etc.)
- Access to >100 partner healthcare facilities and pharmacies
Whatever you need - our outpatient services will cover it!


and many more...

Dr. Nyongesa
How can I help you today?


it was a pleasure connecting earlier today. Thank you for entrusting me with your health.
I have developed a health plan based on your current health status and medical history:
I'll catch up with you once a month to make sure we keep you happy and healthy:🙂 Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. You can access your full report here:
Hi Joanna,
Exercise Plan

Dietary Plan

Mental Health Plan

Wellness report
Personalized healthcare
You'll be assigned your very own personal doctor
Your doctor will review your health data together with 2 specialists on a monthly basis.
You'll be given lifestyle, diet, and exercise routines and recommendations to track and follow via the BYON8 app.
Screening- Beyond disease is life
From pre-screening lab tests to full body scans, and imaging - we'll let you know what is going on inside your body to keep you healthy throughout life.

Subscribe and Go Beyond
The 21st century of healthcare is here with unlimited access to premium healthcare services.
Online consultations
Personal doctor
24/7, GPs and
>20 Specialities
Track Exercise, diet, and mental health.
Reviewed and monitored by
your personal doctor
Lifestyle and Wellness
With or without symptoms, we will screen your health with a selection of lab tests and examinations.
Health Screening

Over the counter medication Prescriptions
Diagnostics and outpatient care
Labs, diagnostics
Imaging, physical examinations
Emergency evacuations
Want to know more?
Find answers to your questions about our Medical Package in our FAQs
Download the brochure here.
Live chat with us on this website or call us for more information:
+254 743 710 145
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